Doodling: Unleash Your Inner Artist

 After many weeks of drawing and animating inactivity, I am trying to spend at least a few minutes per day just doodling.

Doodling is more than just mindless scribbling; it's a creative outlet with surprising benefits. This simple act of drawing without conscious effort can boost your mood, improve focus, and even enhance problem-solving skills.

Benefits of Doodling:

Stress Relief: Doodling helps reduce anxiety and tension by engaging your mind in a calming activity.

Increased Focus: Contrary to popular belief, doodling while listening to a lecture or meeting can improve concentration.

Creativity Boost: Allow your imagination to run wild! Doodling can spark new ideas and inspire innovative thinking.

Mindfulness: It's a form of meditation, grounding you in the present moment and promoting relaxation.

So, grab a pen and paper and start doodling! Let your mind wander and discover the joy of this underrated art form.
